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Regular price $85.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $85.00 USD
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FFRENCH SILK is one of our top sellers!!!!
Ffrenchie's raw bundles are full from weft to ends, with medium luster that blends PERFECTLY with your natural hair. Our Raw Bundles are free of any chemicals/silicones and can be easily dyed or bleached to 613 color. Raw bundles are the PREMIERE choice for classic sew-ins, microlinks, hybrids tape-in installs, custom wigs, and so many more styles.

FFRENCH SILK has a natural straight  pattern. Since every bundle is different the hair pattern may vary slightly per bundle, but blend perfectly when used together. Vietnamese Straight bundles can be straightened easily, and returns to its natural pattern when washed/ air-dried. Minimum 2-3 bundles are necessary for full install depending on desired fullness/style.

Care/ Use Instructions:
• We recommend installation/ coloring by a licensed professional hair stylist to prevent any damage, increase the lifespan of your bundles, and protect your investment.
• Avoid cutting wefts to prevent any shedding. If wefts must be cut, use weft sealer.
• Wash hair with sulfate-free shampoo/conditioner and allow to air dry.
• When curling the bundles, the key to extremely long-lasting curls is pin-curling each section as you curl, allowing the section to cool completely prior removing pins/clips & final styling
Please be advised that the lengths may be over or under by .5”-1.5” .

• Always use heat protectant spray/serum prior to styling with any hot tools.
• Take caution with bleaching/lifting curly bundles as over-processing may alter/loosen curl pattern.
• Raw bundles last 3 to 5+ years with proper care/maintenance.


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